Extended Party Line
(Intervetion on the facade of the Adjae / Chapman house, London Brick Lane)
Mauricio Guillen's practice investigates the sensorial and political demarcation of places and contexts. His light and witty interventions in a range of media, often documented with film or photography, renegotiate accepted boundaries, be they physical, mental or spatial. ‘Extended party line’ was a site-specific work made for the exhibition ‘Right On Write Off’ at the David Adjaye renovated former residence of Jake Chapman on Fashion Street, London in 2006. Using common household paint, Guillen extended the patchwork of colour decorating the back of the house next door onto the sleekly painted black façade of its distinguished neighbour. With this intervention, Guillen visibly shifts the property line between the two terrace houses and subtly subverts the increasing gentrification of Fashion Street in London’s Brick Lane area.